
Due to Mass Shootings, Democrats in Congress Propose to Disarm the Majority of Sheriff's Deputies Throughout the Nation

Due to Mass Shootings, Democrats in Congress Propose to Disarm the Majority of Sheriff's Deputies Throughout the Nation You heard it right folks, due to mass shootings Senator Feinstein and other Democrats in the Senate are proposing new gun regulations that would disarm the majority of sheriffs deputies throughout the United States. You might be thinking "they're crazy" or "that's crazy" or "this blogger is crazy" but I speak the truth. There are the regular sheriffs deputies you may be familiar with, but there are others called the "Posse Comitatus" or as the old western movies put it "the sheriff's posse".  Some might think those are the guys who ride horses in 4th of July parades but the sheriff's posse according to Common Law is defined as the power and force of the county, and constitutes all males ages 15 and up of the county.  The sheriff has the common law power to call up all qualifying males to p...

The Second Amendment as Intended

James Madison's Notes on the Constitutional Convention is a book I've had for over 10 years one of my favorites to go back to:

Yes indeed Guns have changed, but the right remains the same for the same reason

Yes indeed Guns have changed, but the right remains the same for the same reason This is a video that is being passed around on Facebook a lot lately: Let's examine this video: 1) Unlike this video back in the day of muskets more people carried either a musket, a rifle (yes they did exist) or some other firelock (a really big handgun) so people would have been shooting back 2) The guy who was shot was able to run away without a scratch, muskets do a lot more damage than that, depending on how and where you get shot, the musket shot could be more dangerous than the damage done by a modern rifle. 3) Most musket shooters carried a bayonet on their musket for the simple reason that reloading was a problem and a bayonet attached to a musket was more efficient for attacking in close quarters, and this video misses that fact 4)  I have a problem with the fact that everyone ran away from the shooter after he fire...

Posse Comitatus Questionare

Letter from Governor Thomas Jefferson  to George Washington January 10, 1781: "... On the 31st. of December a Letter from a private Gentleman to General Nelson came to my hands, notifying that in the morning of the preceding day 27 Sail of vessels had entered the capes and from the tenor of the letter we had reason to expect within a few hours further intelligence whether they were friends or foes, their force, and other circumstances. We immediately dispatched General Nelson to the lower Country with powers to call on the Militia in that quarter or to act otherwise as exigences should require, but waited further intelligence before we would call for Militia from the middle or upper Country..."

How the guy from "The Young Turks" is lying through his teeth about the 2nd Amendment The guy from the Young Turks in this video is making the claim that the 2nd Amendment was intended only for "militias" and that for some reason "Bob down the street" doesn't get to have any kind of weapon he likes.  What makes up a Militia?  If you start to say "Bob can't have this kind of gun" or "Bob can't have a gun, he's not a National Guardsman" you are suggesting a "Select Militia". The Militia consist in all able bodied men trained to arms, starting from the age of 12. Under Old English Common Law, all able bodied men ages 12-60 were expected to aid in the common defense of their neighborhoods and towns Under Old English Common Law all able bodied men ages 15-60 were expected to aid in the common defense of their respective counties under the direction of the Sheriff or another selected by the county in a "Posee Comitatus" Under precedent esta...