
Showing posts from June, 2017
James Madison's Notes on the Constitutional Convention is a book I've had for over 10 years one of my favorites to go back to:

Yes indeed Guns have changed, but the right remains the same for the same reason

Yes indeed Guns have changed, but the right remains the same for the same reason This is a video that is being passed around on Facebook a lot lately: Let's examine this video: 1) Unlike this video back in the day of muskets more people carried either a musket, a rifle (yes they did exist) or some other firelock (a really big handgun) so people would have been shooting back 2) The guy who was shot was able to run away without a scratch, muskets do a lot more damage than that, depending on how and where you get shot, the musket shot could be more dangerous than the damage done by a modern rifle. 3) Most musket shooters carried a bayonet on their musket for the simple reason that reloading was a problem and a bayonet attached to a musket was more efficient for attacking in close quarters, and this video misses that fact 4)  I have a problem with the fact that everyone ran away from the shooter after he fire

Posse Comitatus Questionare
