A Well Regulated Militia: Intro

My project is simply called "A Well Regulated Militia" it includes a Facebook Group, a page on Google PlusYouTube Videos and an upcoming book by the same title, as well as this blog.  Be prepared to learn EVERY aspect of the 2nd Amendment, from the right of the individual to keep and bear arms to what constitutes the Militia and everything in between.  Although the type of weapons we have had access to has changed over the centuries, the right is the same.  We have a right to keep and bear those arms that are antiquate for our own Self Defense and which would enable us to contribute to the Common Defense of our neighbors, county, state or nation at moments notice if called upon to do so.

I hope you will join me, your contributions to the discussion will be greatly appreciated (provided your not trying to spread gun control and gun confiscation propaganda of course)


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