How the guy from "The Young Turks" is lying through his teeth about the 2nd Amendment

The guy from the Young Turks in this video is making the claim that the 2nd Amendment was intended only for "militias" and that for some reason "Bob down the street" doesn't get to have any kind of weapon he likes.  What makes up a Militia?  If you start to say "Bob can't have this kind of gun" or "Bob can't have a gun, he's not a National Guardsman" you are suggesting a "Select Militia". The Militia consist in all able bodied men trained to arms, starting from the age of 12.

Under Old English Common Law, all able bodied men ages 12-60 were expected to aid in the common defense of their neighborhoods and towns

Under Old English Common Law all able bodied men ages 15-60 were expected to aid in the common defense of their respective counties under the direction of the Sheriff or another selected by the county in a "Posee Comitatus"

Under precedent established during the American Revolution, all  men ages 17-60 were expected to aid in the common defense of their towns and counties as Militiamen under the direction of a Lieutenant approved by the People

According to current US Code, the Militia of the United States Consist of all men ages 17-45, and most state codes are uniform to the US Code, this is only that portion available to be called up in case of national emergency.

Under every circumstance mentioned above, be it to aid in the common defense of a town, county, state or nation, it was perfectly understood that all members of the Militia would have their own weapons.

The Militia Act of 1792 made it so specific that if men acquired either a musket, firelock or rifle and the necessary ammunition and equipment for the weapon they possessed, they would be exempt from the payment of all taxes.  It was very well understood that the Militia consisted of all able bodied male citizens.

He makes the comment that in the South they referred to the Militia as the "slave patrol".  While it is true, unfortunately that slave patrols did exist and that militiamen were used at times to aid or take a significant part of slave patrols, what is also true is that during the American Civil War Congress issued a Militia Act to include former slaves.  What is also true is that the Militia of western Virginia revolted against Virginia and remained loyal to the United States, and later helped form the State of West Virginia.

Another significant truth is this, the US Constitution has been amended to abolish slavery, and so the Militia could not be used to enforce slave laws anymore, but the Militia still exist.

One of the original tricks that the Democrats who formed KKK tried to pull was to argue that freed blacks could not have gun rights as promised in the 2nd Amendment, hence, the 14th Amendment came to SOLIDIFY the 2nd Amendment rights FOR ALL!

I look at the right to keep and bear arms the same as I look at the right to vote.  Voters make up the Democratic Process and the Democratic Process keeps us in a free state.  Gun owners make up the Militia and the Militia keeps us in a free state.  They go hand in hand.  

Right of people to keep and bear arms = Militia= Free state
Right of people to Vote= Democratic Process=Free State


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